Fall Plants For Autumn Color
Explore colorful fall plants that boast beautiful blooms and fabulous foliage all season! This expert-curated selection is perfect for porch pots, garden beds, and anywhere else you need a pop of color this fall.
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Chionanthus Virginicus
Vaccinium Corymbosum 'Northland'
Aronia Melanocarpa 'Iroquois Beauty'
Lindera Benzoin
Juniperus Communis 'Blueberry Delight'
Vaccinium Corymbosum 'Patriot'
Vaccinium Corymbosum 'Blue Jay'
Itea Virginica 'Little Henry'
Hypericum Frondosum 'Sunburst'
Campsis Radicans
Cornus Sericea 'Cardinal'
Chelone Glabra
Aster 'Vibrant Dome'