Features bold, textured foliage with deep green veins. Works great on elevated surfaces so vines can trail as they grow. Can grow vines that trail 6 feet or more. This variety of Monstera appreciates a shower from time to time to help wash away dust that may accumulate in its textural leaves. This plant needs to live in a room with at least some natural light. Place it on a table or countertop with windows nearby. This plant can only go 1-2 weeks without water so check on it weekly and add water every time the top two inches of soil dry out.
Shipping Information
Shipping not available to selected states: AK, GU, HI, PR, USVI
About Costa Farms
Growing from 30 acres to more than 5,000, this family-run business ships only top-notch annual, perennial, and tropical house and garden plants, always delivered in…
Growing from 30 acres to more than 5,000, this family-run business ships only top-notch annual, perennial, and tropical house and garden plants, always delivered in…
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