Why We Love It
Not everyone is comfortable choosing plants for their garden and then figuring out how to arrange them nicely. This Medium Garden Accent Map has been a blessing to my sister who did not receive green thumb genes from our mom. She really appreciated the planting list and how easy the map was to use. She especially likes not weeding so much, thanks to that weed-blocking fabric.
About This Item
There’s an art to placing shrubs, ornamental grasses, and perennials in a home landscape to make the garden look its best. The Plant By Numbers' Medium Garden Accent Map helps homeowners tap into their artistic side to transform home foundations, property lines, and any outdoor spaces into beautiful gardens. Simply unfold the 5’ deep by 10’ wide weed-blocking fabric with its pre-printed planting map onto your garden bed and get digging. Choose one of the four professionally designed planting plans and you’ll receive a list of eight plants appropriate for your USDA Hardiness Zone (plants not…
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Medium Garden Accent Map (5' x 10')
Medium Garden Accent Map (5' x 10')